Quotes From "Face To Face Meetings With Jesus Christ 3: Revealing The End Of The Age" By Felix Wantang

If the world loves you, question your relationship with Jesus Christ. John 15:18-25. Felix Wantang
If the world loves you, then you should question your relationship with Jesus Christ. Felix Wantang
At the gates of Heaven, if you had the chance to plead your case before Jesus, what will you say? Say nothing because your words cannot save you. John 3:16 Felix Wantang
What gives meaning to your life is rooted in your definition of the author of life. Felix Wantang
God is only interested in fulfilling your needs, not your wants; learn to successfully weed out your wants from your needs. Matthew 6:8 Felix Wantang
You cannot successfully follow Jesus Christ unless you learn how to overcome fear through his name. John 14:1-4. Felix Wantang